CHARLESTON, SC - With a style that is truly of his own and perfected at such a young age he cant be considered just an ordinary rapper but yet a lyricist. With the mind and intelligence of a wise man plus the talent of a superstar there seems to be know where else for this gifted artist to go but up in his career. Destine to be on top but just plotting and waiting for the right chance to emerge out of the underground rap scene striving to one day make it in the big leagues.
The 22-year-old born Terrance B. Doucet in the projects of downtown Charleston, South Carolina is the poster child of his area. Growing up in this crime infested area he has been introduced to a lot of things that challenged him as he grow into a man. He lived with his mom in a two bed room apartment who worked three jobs to provide for him and his older brother without any type of father figure in either of their lives. Since the early age of 13 he has been writing songs and perfecting his craft. A group of school friends and him, once called the Young en Ballen Mafia which was his first real group, recorded and performed songs for about a solid year or two. Going by the stage name Doucet he quickly picked up a superb reputation for his unique and well written flow and also released a solo lp plus many group efforts but do to disagreements in the group he split to become a solo artist. Now recording in his room everyday for the next few months he bettered his reputation in his hood and was well known for his great work. By the age of 15 he hooked up with a new school buddy to form a two man duo recording under the name of Top Notch. In the process of joining this group he also felt it was right to change his stage name going through many of them but finally choosing BEZZLE as his final stage name. He calls himself that because he feels he is the person in his circle of friends that keeps everything running smooth and without a bezel everything falls apart. Writing songs with his new group member made his lyrics way sharper and tighter. He developed a confident swagger and image but also started living his lyrics by selling marijuana while school was in session and carrying a nine millimeter pistol. He also worked at Sonics fast food restaurant to cover up his crazy spending habits but he also was now able to record in a real studio for a change instead of his room. At the age of 16 his mother got married and he moved with her to Pleasant Ville N.J., his grandmother couldn't raise him correctly because of his consent trouble in school with students and teachers. Up north is where he continued his music career and adapted more of an east coast flow killing mix tape after mix tape until he gained his local respect from P Vill to Atlantic City. In his high school where he graduated from he was well known and well hated on for his success on plenty of local mix tapes. He has been on two blue room mix tapes, one AOG mix tape, three editions of his own Jus Doin My Job mixtapes, Two Hoodz the mixtape with Phatz Dinero, and a one life to live mix tape DVD. He has developed a label buzz and is currently pushing a new mix tape he is working on staying busy is what he is trying to do. Building up on his status and reputation as he goes along in his career is his goal. At the young age of 21 he has already stepped up his game by producing beats, engineering sessions, writing movie scripts, and writing r & b tracks. Inspired by his own intuition he hopes to create and run a successful record label of his own one day. In the mist of all of this his flow just keeps getting better and better every single day.
BEZZLE lives through his well orientated music. He speaks on and touches topics that know one would ever believe at his age. Writing from his personal experiences and from what he sees in the world today he is hard to top. His southern/east coast style and true to life flow also makes more then enough of his songs true club bangers also something you can ride too. The way he approaches songs is well put together and unique. The streets and the rest of the world will love his music for years to come. Still in search to reach the heights of his success BEZZLE is one name that will be remembered as one of the greatest that has ever done it and ever will...